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Diagnosis of moles – dermatoscopy

Diagnosis of moles is performed with the FotoFinder digital dermatoscopy system and manual hand-held dermatoscopy. Highly qualified Baltic Dermatology dermato-oncologists doctors perform all diagnoses of skin formations.
Why choose this procedure?


The highest qualifications dermato-oncologists doctors carry out skin diagnosis. Diagnosis is performed with the artificial intelligence digital dermatoscopy system FotoFinder and a hand-held dermatoscopy.
How the procedure looks like?

About diagnosis of moles

Remember how important regular skin moles diagnosis is. Regular diagnosis of skin formations allows to notice skin changes at the right time and avoid dangerous health issues.


Baltic Dermatology dermato-oncologists doctors apply combined modern diagnostic techniques. From classical dermatoscopy to the most modern digital examination ways: skin biopsy and tissue histological examinations. Skin formations diagnosis lets us identify both benign and malignant skin tumors.


Doctor dermato-oncologist, during the consultation, first evaluates skin formations using manual hand-held dermatoscopy, which provides an opportunity to assess the mole’s structure, color, shape, and other diagnostic parameters in more detail.


After assessing the need, an innovative digital dermatoscopy diagnosis is performed with the artificial intelligence digital dermatoscopy system FotoFinder. Using a special video epiluminescence microscope, highly magnified images of moles are created, which clearly show the mole structure. This allows us to fully evaluate the skin formation and see whether the mole is suspicious.


All these dermatoscopic examinations are quick and painless.


Skin biopsy and histological examination is an in-depth examination of skin tissues and cells. These diagnoses are performed after identifying changes in the formation.


Let our professionals take care of your healthy skin.

Prices of procedures


Consultation of a dermato-oncologist

Diagnosis of moles (dermatoscopy) with a hand-held dermatoscope
Diagnostics with digital dermatoscopy FotoFinder system

Diagnostics of a single mole

The service is provided in addition to a doctor's consultation

Diagnostics of each mole

The service is provided in addition to a doctor's consultation

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After filling in the form, our specialists will contact you and arrange the most convenient arrival time.