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Dr. Cyj Hair Filler therapy

Dr. Cyj Hair Filler is an effective and modern solution for hair loss treatment and growth promotion. A patented composition of 7 types of peptides and hyaluronic acid is used.
Why choose this procedure?

Prevent hair loss

Prevents hair cell death and delay catagen phase.

Restore hair growth

Generate new hair follicle through stem cell activation.

Revitalize scalp

Provide nutrients to scalp and hair root for healthier and thicker hair.
How the procedure looks like?

About Dr. Cyj Hair filler procedure

Dr CYJ hair filler is known as the world’s first hair filler injection gel that’s solely created for treating hair problems including hair fall, improving thickness and more.


It has a specialized formula that’s created by hair experts from all around the world which helps to strengthen hair cells and revitalize scalp. Each pack of Dr. CYJ hair filler contains 1cc gel in a prefilled syringe.


How Does Dr CYJ Hair Filler Work?

The dermatologists injects the gel into the scalp of the patient’s skin by using a point injection or intra-derma injection.

Once the gel gets injected into the skin it starts increasing the blood circulation in to the most smaller veins of the scalp causing more hair growth.

It also results in revitalizing hair follicles which induces hair growth by increasing the size of hair follicles — this also helps to prevent hair loss.


Internationally Approved Patented Revitalizing Peptide Ingredients

Dr.CYJ Hair Filler only contains internationally accepted patented peptides active ingredients that do not cause any harm to the patient’s body after the treatment.


It contains many benefits including increasing the strength of sparse hair and increasing hair thickness. Because of the innovative trans-dermal delivery system, the peptides are safely transferred into the deepest follicles.


The formula is tested and approved after Notarized Experiments.


Special offers

"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" 4 procedure course
"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" 3 procedure course
"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" 2 procedure course

Prices of procedures

Doctor's consultation

When the procedure is performed


When the procedure is not performed

Dr. Cyj hair filler

1 procedure

Dr. Cyj hair filler (1 ml)

Rezultatai po 4-rių „Dr. Cyj“ plaukų užpildo procedūrų

28-erių pacientui. Procedūra atlika 2 (du) mėnesius, kas 2 (dvi) savaites – iš viso 4 (keturios) procedūros. Atlikus tyrimus paaiškėjo, kad plaukų tankis padidėjo – 23,9 %, o plaukų storis padidėjo – 14,6 %.

Hair filler before procedure
Hair filler after procedure
Am I a suitable candidate?
The innovative hair filler treatment method is suitable for both women and men. Especially recommended for people who struggle with: - androgenetic alopecia; - baldness caused by stress; - seasonal hair loss; - hair loss after COVID-19 infection; - thinning, receding hairline.
How does the scalp look immediately after the procedure?
The patient can return to their normal routine immediately after the procedure. The hair at the roots may be wet, single dots can be seen at the places of punctures. Medicines against hair loss (if prescribed) can be applied after 2-3 hours. You can wash your head the next day.
When is the procedure not recommended or not possible?
Cases when we do not perform the procedure: pregnancy, breastfeeding, patient under 18 years of age, skin diseases, especially in the treatment area, active infection, diabetes, use of immunosuppressive medications that weaken the body's immunity, allergy for the composition component.

Register for the procedure in a way suitable for you

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After filling in the form, our specialists will contact you and arrange the most convenient arrival time.