28-erių pacientui. Procedūra atlika 2 (du) mėnesius, kas 2 (dvi) savaites – iš viso 4 (keturios) procedūros. Atlikus tyrimus paaiškėjo, kad plaukų tankis padidėjo – 23,9 %, o plaukų storis padidėjo – 14,6 %.
Why choose this procedure?
How the procedure looks like?
Special offers
"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" 4 procedure course
"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" 3 procedure course
"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" 2 procedure course
Am I a suitable candidate?
The innovative hair filler treatment method is suitable for both women and men. Especially recommended for people who struggle with:
- androgenetic alopecia;
- baldness caused by stress;
- seasonal hair loss;
- hair loss after COVID-19 infection;
- thinning, receding hairline.
How does the scalp look immediately after the procedure?
The patient can return to their normal routine immediately after the procedure. The hair at the roots may be wet, single dots can be seen at the places of punctures. Medicines against hair loss (if prescribed) can be applied after 2-3 hours. You can wash your head the next day.
When is the procedure not recommended or not possible?
Cases when we do not perform the procedure: pregnancy, breastfeeding, patient under 18 years of age, skin diseases, especially in the treatment area, active infection, diabetes, use of immunosuppressive medications that weaken the body's immunity, allergy for the composition component.
Register for the procedure in a way suitable for you
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