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Hair Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy for hair – microinjections enriched with vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid and other powerful nutrients help stop hair loss and promote growth.
Why choose this procedure?

Stops hair loss

Microinjections enriched withvitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid and other powerful nutrients improve the condition of the scalp and hair follicles.

Quick treatment and quick recovery

The treatment is short and lasts up to 30 minutes. After the treatment, you can immediately return to your routine.
How the procedure looks like?

About the mesotherapy for hair

Mesotherapy for hair is a treatment method applied by injecting the vitamins, minerals, and amino acid mixtures required for the hair into the scalp. Hair loss or thinning occurs for various reasons: illness, genetics, stress, hormonal changes, unbalanced diet, improper hair care products, and many other factors. This treatment helps treat hair loss, thickens thinned hair, stops hair loss, and makes the hair stronger. 


During mesotherapy, the middle layer of the scalp is supplied with valuable minerals, vitamins, various trace elements, and hyaluronic acid with an extremely thin needle. The necessary course of procedures is determined by assessing the individual condition of the scalp.


The procedure is performed using only carefully selected preparations that meet the highest quality standards:

  • “Dermaheal HL” is an intensive preparation that effectively treats hair loss, promotes growth, restores the vitality of the scalp, and strengthens thin, brittle and damaged hair. Provides the scalp and hair with: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and other powerful nutrients.
  • “Dr. Cyj Hair Filler” is an effective and modern solution for hair loss treatment and growth promotion. A patented composition of 7 types of peptides and hyaluronic acid is used. The result is noticeably increased hair volume, stronger and healthier hair.
  • “Toskanimed Anti-Hair loss” – saturates the scalp with nourishing preparations – stops hair loss and stimulates growth.


After the first procedure, you will feel a positive effect on the scalp.


Before the procedure, the scalp is thoroughly examined. During a detailed scalp analysis, the most suitable preparation for your scalp condition is recommended. This is how we efficiently achieve the best results.


Hair mesotherapy treatment at the “Baltic Dermatology” clinic is performed exclusively by highly qualified doctors with experience in the field. 

Special offers

"Dermaheal HL" mesotherapy cocktail up to -30%
A course of 4 procedures
A course of 3 procedures
2 course of procedures
"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" up to -38%

Prices of procedures

Doctor's consultation

When the procedure is performed


When the procedure is not performed

Hair Mesotherapy

"Dr. Cyj Hair Filler"

1 ml

"Dermaheal HL" medication

5 ml

"Toskanimed Anti-Hair loss" medication


Results after four "Dr. Cyj Hair Filler" procedures

28-year-old patient. The procedure is carried out for 2 (two) months, every 2 (two) weeks – a total of 4 (four) procedures. Studies have shown a 23.9% increase in hair density and a 14.6% increase in hair thickness.

Hair filler before procedure
Hair filler after procedure

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After filling in the form, our specialists will contact you and arrange the most convenient arrival time.